written in JUNE 2021, FOR t&a’s 7th anniversary

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Allan Tan


From brinjal, ulams, mushrooms, to cucumbers - our produce is sourced from an established vegetable purveyor, Robert Greens located just across the roads from us in the TTDI wet market. Heading the supply from market to restaurant is Allan Tan, who has graced us with fresh produce and a loyal partnership since 2014. 

Robert Greens is one of many established purveyors in our local wet markets who at the dawn of the millennium saw an ever-changing landscape of consumer preferences to purchase from supermarkets than from the local wet markets.


What started out as a cold inquiry about supplying to our restaurant in Damansara Kim seemed natural overseas, where green markets also served as a supply point for local restaurants, but a foreign idea for Allan & us in our first year.

“When they first approached and presented us with the kind of quality and quantity of the produce they were expecting, it was quite a big challenge back then. Yet, it opened the doorway to a new pool of customers that helped us thrive. So it was actually a really exciting challenge for me”

Reminiscing about this 7 year partnership, Allan shared how working with restaurants like Table & Apron was directly linked to supporting the local farmers on a larger and more consistent scale, creating a network of businesses intertwined with each other.  “The truth is, the wholesale produce industry isn't glamorous. The recognition isn't there, but on the other hand, we are also the most important part of the supply chain, especially to restaurants.”

“I like the idea of connecting with restaurant owners who would in turn think of us as their friends as well, which can be helpful in the long run. If we create a community where younger entrepreneurs are to think this way, our industry will surely grow.”

Beyond farm-to-table, we believe the soul of restaurants exist as a microcosm of interconnection between local businesses within a community.


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